kids doing science

welcome to our science initiative

This website was created by researchers at the NYU Conceptual Development and Social Cognition Lab. We love science and we want to make it accessible and enjoyable for all kids! Here, you will find fun science games, at-home experiments, video tutorials and research summaries all designed to promote children’s engagement and excitement about science!

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  • Our research lab created educational science games for young children to learn about science! You and your child can learn about the concepts of friction, gravity, transparency, and buoyancy with our favorite science teacher, Curious Cat. These games are designed using language found to increase children’s engagement, confidence, and persistence in science! Each game takes approximately 10 minutes. If you’d like to play click here!

    If you’re interested in participating in other games we’ve developed, please visit PANDA, our online developmental research platform. Families who participate in a study on PANDA receive $10 Amazon giftcards as a thank-you.

  • We have gathered easy and inexpensive science activities that you and your child can do together! Find video tutorials and activity guides that illustrate new scientific concepts in an accessible way! If you’d like to check out the activities, click here!

  • At NYU’s Conceptual Development and Social Cognition lab, we study ways to improve education methods across the country. We ran multiple large-scale studies to figure out how we can engage kids in science and reduce disparities in STEM. If you’d like to learn about our studies, click here!

About Our Project